HomeDadCon – Virtual Gaming Event

Wanna play some video games?

I’m Joel, Editor in Chief of The Dad and head of gaming for The Dad Gaming. I am speaking at HomeDadCon on 10/15/2021. My topic is Leveling Up Parenting Through Gaming. It’s one of my favorite topics in the world. I feel very strongly that there are many positive aspects of gaming, and when used in moderation, it can be an excellent Parenting Enhancement Tool.

The survey is now closed. Your input has been received, and we’re going to run events in Fortnite and Mario Kart. Let’s-a-go!


Monday, 10/4, 9p-11p EST

Depending on turnout, we will either run squads or we can host a private lobby.

You can participate from any platform.

Join the Zoom just before 9p EST. We’ll chat through any issues joining. In the meantime, you can send a friend request to me at thedadJOEL.

Mario Kart

Tuesday, 10/5, 9p-11p EST

Depending on turnout, we will either have a private room with up to 12 racers, or we’ll do a custom tournament.

IMPORTANT: In order to participate, you must have Nintendo Switch, Mario Kart 8, and Nintendo Online.

Join the Zoom just before 9p EST. We’ll chat through any issues joining. In the meantime, you can send a friend request to me at 2514-5654-2804.


All are welcome. Invite your friends, kids, spouse, etc.! This is meant to be a fun casual event. Inevitably, we may get some very very good players joining. We just ask that everyone stay chill and not take it too seriously. We’re here for laughs, not toxic trash talk :). If it goes as planned, all skill levels will have a good time!

I will be on the Zoom 15 minutes before start and will stay on throughout the event to guide you through any issues joining. ZOOM: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7217882644

Depending on format, we may decide to use Discord for squad chat. Our server is https://discord.gg/thedadgaming.

If you have any issues, you can message me on Facebook or email me at [email protected].

See you all out there!